It’s no secret that mess causes stress. Spring is in the air and there is no better time to get your home in order. The best way to get the most out of any spring clean is to reduce your clutter. It’s time to embrace the urge to purge and rid your life of excess, because who has the time to clean and care for items they no longer need or want. Here are 5 quick tips to help you say goodbye to clutter, for good.

5 Tips to Declutter Your Home

  1. Make a Plan.

I’m a firm believer in working smarter not harder. Think about each space in your home and decide how it can add value to your life. What needs to be done? When are you going to set aside the time to do it? What will you do with items that you intend to donate or sell? Do you have the time to mend broken items or complete that project you never got around to starting? Our spaces should be functional and help us live our best life. If they have become more of a burden than a blessing, it might be time to make a major change.

  1. Get Sorted.

The best way to start any decluttering project is to group like items together.  The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” has never been more relevant than when you are staring at a pile of shoes that you have not worn in five years. It’s easier to decide what to let go of when you can see what you have.

  1. Be Ruthless.

Deciding what to keep and what to let go of can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be.  Ask yourself, do you need it? Do you use it? Do you love it? Be honest. How does the item make you feel? Why are you keeping it? Never hold onto things because of guilt or fear.  Don’t feel bad for donating that vase that Aunty Betty gave you in 1998. If it does not fit the life you live right now, let it go.  Holding onto things because you “feel you should” or “just in case” will weigh you down and slow your progress.

  1. Follow Through.

It’s one thing to decide you want to get rid of stuff; it’s another thing to get it out the door. Don’t leave bags or boxes sitting around. It’s funny how items can start to creep back into your life.  Put unwanted items in the boot of your car and make it a priority to drop them at the nearest charity bin next time you’re out. Throw out any rubbish. Return borrowed items. Do whatever you need to do to get it out the door.

  1. Don’t Give Up.

Decluttering sounds easy, but it can be harder than we think. If it’s taken you years to accumulate the stuff, it may take longer than a weekend to get rid of it. Often when you are holding on to things that you no longer need or use, you are holding onto a memory, a story or the way an item makes you feel. Dealing with these emotions can be exhausting. If you feel like you’re getting decision fatigue, be kind to yourself.  Take a break. Do something that uplifts you and try again.  Letting go can be powerful experience and never be afraid to ask for help. It may seem like a long process, but I can assure you it doesn’t get done any quicker if you give up.

Would You Like Our Professional Organising Service?

Contact us today if you feel too overwhelmed with wanting to declutter your home to help live a minimalistic life. Our in-home personal organising service is available to all clients living within a 25 kilometre radius of Gold Coast CBD.